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Home /  Scheduler  /  Installing the Backup Service

The Backup Service runs in the background as a windows service. KLS Backup can work without the Backup Service, but scheduled tasks created with the Backup Service will not run.

Use the Service Manager dialog located under the Tools menu to check or modify the Backup Service status.

If you install the Backup Service under Local System account (default), then the service will not have access to network resources. If you need to connect to network resources, you will have to install service under other account.

Install the Backup Service to run under a different account:

Using the Service Manager dialog Stop and Uninstall the existing service instance. Click Install to re-install the service.

Assign a logon account to the service. Although most services log on to the Local System account, the KLS Backup Service may need to be configured to log on to special user accounts, so that the user can have access to resources such as files and folders that are protected.