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Version History (October 15, 2019)
[FIXED] minor fixes (April 2, 2019)
[CHANGED] TLS 1.2 is enabled by default
[FIXED] minor fixes (January 23, 2019)
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (December 10, 2018)
[FIXED] Backup: fixed a problem which may cause the backup job to fail
[FIXED] minor fixes (July 5, 2018)
[CHANGED] Restore: improved password handling
[FIXED] Cloud: upload to Google Cloud may fail
[FIXED] SFTP: file dates were not always updated correctly
[FIXED] minor fixes (May 15, 2018)
[CHANGED] Cloud: improved compatibility with major service providers
[FIXED] minor fixes (February 26, 2018)
[CHANGED] improved cloud storage support
[FIXED] fixed a problem with the Backup Scheduler
[FIXED] minor fixes (December 4, 2017)
[FIXED] security fixes
[FIXED] minor fixes (September 4, 2017)
[FIXED] Backup: fixed a problem with the backup job which may cause the upload to fail
[FIXED] minor fixes (August 8, 2017)
[FIXED] security fixes
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (May 26, 2017)
[CHANGED] Backup: improved performance
[CHANGED] Backup: archives are not removed from the list if the removable drive is not present
[CHANGED] Backup: improved reliability of cloud uploads
[FIXED] Synchronization job may fail when a large number of files are deleted during the job run
[FIXED] Restore: fixed a login problem when restoring to remote servers
[FIXED] minor compatibility issue with Windows Server 2016
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (April 11, 2017)
[FIXED] Cloud: progress bar stops when uploading to Microsoft Azure (April 5, 2017)
[FIXED] Backup: Flat\Copy archive files were not deleted in incremental sets
[FIXED] minor fixes (March 30, 2017)
[FIXED] Backup: remote backup may fail when secondary destination is enabled
[FIXED] minor fixes (March 20, 2017)
[FIXED] Backup: archive is created even when no files are included
[FIXED] minor fixes (March 9, 2017)
[CHANGED] Backup: improved logs
[FIXED] Restore: when restoring an incremental archive, the secondary destination was ignored
[FIXED] Backup: when aborting a backup, some volumes were not deleted
[FIXED] Backup: when the secondary destination was enabled the temporary folder was not used
[FIXED] minor fixes (February 9, 2017)
[CHANGED] Azure: supports latest API
[FIXED] Sychronization archives were not listed correctly
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (January 5, 2017)
[CHANGED] Improved performance on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016
[CHANGED] Actions: Before Run actions are executed before the destination is validated
[CHANGED] Actions: the log file can be accessed using a variable
[FIXED] Differential backup settings were not saved correctly
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (November 29, 2016)
[CHANGED] updated SSL libraries
[CHANGED] SFTP: supports more authentication methods
[FIXED] minor fixes (November 8, 2016)
[CHANGED] Backup: improved performance when using a large number of network sources
[CHANGED] Backup: archive catalog is automatically encrypted when necessary
[FIXED] SFTP login may fail with "Keyboard Interactive" method
[FIXED] Synchronization archives are listed in incorrect order
[FIXED] User interface: minor Windows 10 related fixes
[FIXED] minor fixes (October 5, 2016)
[NEW] Windows Server 2016 support
[NEW] Backup: option to apply the retention options before publishing the new archive
[FIXED] minor fixes
[MISC] the backup job may use less detailed log messages when using unofficial registration codes (September 5, 2016)
[FIXED] Backup: fixed a Volume Shadow Copy service releated problem
[FIXED] Importing (indexing) a large number of archives may fail
[FIXED] Restore: cannot restore archive from a secondary destination
[FIXED] minor fixes (August 12, 2016)
[CHANGED] Backup: improved reliability when using Shared Folder sources
[FIXED] Openstack: deleting large file segments may fail
[FIXED] minor compatibility issues with Windows 10 (July 6, 2016)
[FIXED] Backup: 7z\Copy backup may fail when using "Best" compression level
[FIXED] Cloud: S3 upload may fail with error 404
[FIXED] Cloud: OpenStack directory list may fail
[FIXED] Profile Next Run Time was not updated when using the Windows Task Scheduler
[FIXED] Restore: folder dates were not restored when not all files were selected for restore
[FIXED] minor fixes (June 16, 2016)
[FIXED] failed to connect to remote server when creating a new profile (June 14, 2016)
[NEW] Cloud: hubiC OAuth2 support
[NEW] OpenStack: JSON api support
[CHANGED] 7z libraries updated to 16.x
[CHANGED] Plugins are installed in the install directory (path option removed)
[CHANGED] improved Scheduled Tasks Calendar
[CHANGED] improved logging
[FIXED] invalid "Cannot open directory" message when deleting empty archives
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (May 26, 2016)
[CHANGED] Archives must be removed before deleting a backup profile
[FIXED] File filters may not work when using the /s parameter
[FIXED] minor fixes (May 17, 2016)
[FIXED] File browser: failed to list remote folder when root folder is inaccessible
[FIXED] minor fixes (April 6, 2016)
[FIXED] Backup: possible problem with the Volume Shadow Copy service (April 5, 2016)
[FIXED] Synchronization: version archive restore may fail
[FIXED] Archives: problems when deleting a large number of archives
[FIXED] minor fixes (March 9, 2016)
[FIXED] minor fixes (February 9, 2016)
[NEW] Synchronization: option to detect renamed\moved files
[FIXED] Backup: opening locked files under a junction point may fail
[FIXED] Backup: possible crash when creating an empty archive
[FIXED] Backup: backup of a FAT32 drive may fail
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (January 12, 2016)
[FIXED] FTP: encrypt data channel option was ignored
[FIXED] Modified regular expression filters were not saved
[FIXED] minor fixes (December 8, 2015)
[CHANGED] Archive content: files are displayed with associated icons
[FIXED] Incremental backup: file CRC values were ignored when running the first full backup
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (November 24, 2015)
[NEW] Outlook 2016 support
[CHANGED] Improved: more reliable segmented upload to cloud
[CHANGED] Improved: File System Browser
[FIXED] Backup: NTFS permissions of remote (shared) files were not included
[FIXED] Restore: restore of encrypted 7z archives may fail
[FIXED] possible crash when using proxy servers
[FIXED] Backup: possible crash in MySQL\MariaDB plugin
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (October 21, 2015)
[NEW] Windows 10 support
[NEW] Google Cloud Storage support
[NEW] Synchronization: option to move files to Recycle Bin
[NEW] Scheduled job progress is diplayed in the Schedules view
[CHANGED] improved handling of offline archives and storage locations
[CHANGED] improved handling of synchronization archives (versions)
[FIXED] Backup: folder attributes were not included in the archive
[FIXED] import profiles operation may fail
[FIXED] invalid error message when loading a 7z archive
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (August 31, 2015)
[FIXED] Backup catalog may become corrupted when versions are disabled
[FIXED] SFTP connection may fail after the password is updated (August 19, 2015)
[FIXED] fixes a critical problem which may cause the backup job to fail (August 11, 2015)
[FIXED] Backup: archive comment was not saved when the job was submitted to backup service
[FIXED] Invalid error message when saving scheduled jobs
[FIXED] minor fixes (July 22, 2015)
[FIXED] fixed a problem with opening 7z encrypted archives
[FIXED] minor fixes (July 2, 2015)
[NEW] New major release
[NEW] Backup\Cloud: segmented (parallel) upload
[NEW] SFTP support
[NEW] Syslog logging support
[CHANGED] improved Archive retention options
[CHANGED] improved Profile Group management
[CHANGED] improved Log Manager
[CHANGED] improved proxy server management
[CHANGED] improved performance
[CHANGED] improved user interface
[CHANGED] minor improvements (August 8, 2017)
[FIXED] security fixes
[FIXED] various fixes (January 6, 2017)
[FIXED] Backup: fixed a Volume Shadow Copy service releated problem
[FIXED] Restore: cannot restore archive from a secondary destination
[FIXED] minor fixes (August 16, 2016)
[FIXED] Cloud: better compatibility with major service providers
[FIXED] Backup: backup may fail when each file is compressed separately
[FIXED] minor fixes (May 24, 2016)
[FIXED] updated SSL libraries
[FIXED] minor fixes (February 3, 2016)
[FIXED] updated SSL libraries
[FIXED] minor fixes (August 19, 2015)
[FIXED] fixes a critical problem which may cause the backup job to fail (August 10, 2015)
[FIXED] minor fixes (July 7, 2015)
[FIXED] minor fixes (June 18, 2015)
[FIXED] fixes a possible crash in the backup engine (June 16, 2015)
[FIXED] Console (Command Line) installer
[FIXED] minor fixes (March 31, 2015)
[CHANGED] Cloud service endpoints list was updated
[FIXED] 7z uses all CPU cores when LZMA2 compression is enabled
[FIXED] local offline catalog was not deleted after job was aborted
[FIXED] Updated SSL libraries (March 11, 2015)
[FIXED] User interface: problems when using Windows large text settings (custom DPI)
[FIXED] error message when restoring empty files from encrypted archives
[FIXED] minor fixes (February 11, 2015)
[CHANGED] Updated plugins
[FIXED] minor fixes (January 21, 2015)
[FIXED] Synchronization: old versions were not deleted when multiple items were defined
[FIXED] Synchronization: read-only folders were not deleted
[FIXED] minor fixes (January 6, 2015)
[FIXED] Backup: differential backup based on archive bit may include unchanged files
[FIXED] Backup: single source backup may fail when the source is S3 or OpenStack folder
[FIXED] Synchronization: failed to calculate file hash when VSS was enabled for every file
[FIXED] Taskbar progress indicator was not working
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (December 18, 2014)
[FIXED] Cloud\S3\Azure: failed to list folder names containing special characters
[FIXED] Archive list may not refreshed when deleting multiple archives (December 8, 2014)
[NEW] Option: Confirm Stop Job
[CHANGED] Backup Service: improved performance and reliability
[FIXED] Synchronization\S3: files were flagged as different after synchronization
[FIXED] UI: possible crash when changing views
[FIXED] Backup Service: missed jobs were not executed on system resume
[FIXED] Console Application: job may hang when executing the Run program action
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (October 20, 2014)
[FIXED] 7z compression may fail when using multiple CPU threads
[FIXED] Password Manager: encryption password was not saved
[FIXED] minor fixes (September 2, 2014)
[NEW] Cloud: Amazon S3 multipart upload (File size limit is 5 TB)
[NEW] Profile options: notification thresholds
[CHANGED] Improved synchronization engine
[FIXED] Backup may fail when using plugins
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (July 7, 2014)
[FIXED] Actions: in some cases "Run program" action never completes
[FIXED] Backup: files located on deduplicated volumes were not included (Windows 2012)
[FIXED] Backup: better support for long UNC paths
[FIXED] Synchronization: job progress stopped at 99%
[FIXED] minor fixes (June 16, 2014)
[FIXED] Opening password protected archives is very slow
[FIXED] Job statistics are not correct when Windows is running for more than 49 days
[FIXED] minor fixes (April 18, 2014)
[FIXED] User Interface: Next\Last Run Time values were not updated
[FIXED] Updated SSL libraries (Heartbleed Bug)
[FIXED] minor fixes (March 17, 2014)
[CHANGED] User Interface: compatible with large text size (custom DPI)
[CHANGED] Notification email now uses UTF-8 encoding
[CHANGED] Synchronization: Improved logs
[FIXED] minor fixes (February 4, 2014)
[NEW] Socks 4 and 5 support
[FIXED] Synchronization: version archives were not imported correctly
[FIXED] Scheduled Tasks: running jobs were not handled correctly
[FIXED] Cloud: failed to connect with SSL when using a HTTP proxy
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (January 8, 2014)
[CHANGED] User Interface improvements
[FIXED] WebDAV: login failed with HTTP error 405
[FIXED] Cloud: Eucalyptus Walrus folder content was not listed correctly
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (November 27, 2013)
[FIXED] Synchronization: empty folders were not handled correctly
[FIXED] Synchronization: MD5 values were not used (Azure, S3)
[FIXED] minor fixes (November 22, 2013)
[NEW] Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 support
[NEW] Scheduled Tasks Calendar: day view
[CHANGED] Backup: improved reliability when using the Volume Shadow Copy service
[CHANGED] Synchronization: improved real-time synchronization
[CHANGED] Outlook backup: Outlook 2013 support
[CHANGED] improved logging
[FIXED] Cloud: some Amazon S3 folders were not visible in the Browser
[FIXED] Administrative network shares were visible in the Folder Browser
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (September 2, 2013)
[CHANGED] Restore: spanned archive volumes are downloaded only when needed
[CHANGED] improved performance when loading large profiles
[FIXED] WebDAV: some remote folders were not listed correctly
[FIXED] minor fixes (August 19, 2013)
[FIXED] Backup: compression may fail when using AES encryption
[FIXED] Restore: restoring from password protected incremental archives
[FIXED] OpenStack: better compatibility with major service providers
[FIXED] minor fixes (July 30, 2013)
[NEW] New major release
[NEW] Continuous (real-time) synchronization
[NEW] Removable drive support
[NEW] Backup\Synchronization Jobs always can be submitted to Backup Service
[NEW] Event-based Actions in profiles (variable support)
[NEW] User defined variables
[NEW] Regular expressions (folder\file filters)
[NEW] MD5 hash support
[CHANGED] improved performance
[CHANGED] improved user interface
[CHANGED] minor improvements (August 19, 2015)
[FIXED] fixes a critical problem which may cause the backup job to fail (February 26, 2015)
[FIXED] security fixes
[FIXED] minor fixes (June 24, 2014)
[FIXED] security fixes (March 5, 2014)
[FIXED] failed to connect with SSL through HTTP proxy
[FIXED] minor fixes (January 14, 2014)
[CHANGED] Backup: performance improvements
[CHANGED] Backup: improved handling of network errors
[FIXED] Cloud: some Amazon S3 and Walrus folders were not visible in the Browser
[FIXED] minor fixes (October 3, 2013)
[FIXED] Calendar: some tasks were not displayed correctly
[FIXED] Delete archive dialog may freeze
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (August 28, 2013)
[FIXED] Install the Backup Service when computer is joined to a domain
[FIXED] Restore: connecting to network location may fail
[FIXED] Restore: password dialog was not always displayed when needed
[FIXED] minor fixes (June 11, 2013)
[CHANGED] improved performance when running multiple jobs simultaneously
[FIXED] Restore: some files were not processed in incremental archives
[FIXED] Azure: backup may fail if the container already exists
[FIXED] minor fixes (May 29, 2013)
[CHANGED] minor performance improvements
[FIXED] minor fixes (April 22, 2013)
[CHANGED] Synchronization will not fail if any of the folders does not exist
[FIXED] Azure: 401 Unauthorized error message when reconnecting sessions
[FIXED] Amazon S3: archives containing S3 sources were not displayed correctly
[FIXED] FTP: don't allow fall back to plaintext connection if SSL/TLS is not available
[FIXED] LAN: problem connecting to Network Shares
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (April 2, 2013)
[FIXED] Synchronization job will not run when scheduled as a part of a profile group
[FIXED] Log notification at start-up can be incorrect
[FIXED] OpenStack: problem with container name encoding
[FIXED] FTP: IPv6 extension option was not handled correctly
[FIXED] minor fixes (February 26, 2013)
[FIXED] Synchronization: file names with unicode characters were ignored
[FIXED] Cloud\Azure: possible crash
[FIXED] Start page: the Overview panel values were not updated
[FIXED] Slow program startup in some cases
[FIXED] Restore: slow restore of 7z archives
[FIXED] minor fixes (January 4, 2013)
[NEW] SSL\TLS: added support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2
[NEW] Actions: option to define the starting directory for the Run action
[CHANGED] Updated plugins
[CHANGED] UI: improved Calendar View
[CHANGED] SMTP\IMAP\POP3: authentication using encrypted passwords (MD5, SHA1)
[FIXED] Archive Search: possible crash fix and improved performance
[FIXED] CD\DVD: possible crash
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (December 18, 2012)
[CHANGED] OpenStack Object Storage: better compatibility with major OpenStack service providers
[CHANGED] Restore: restore selected files and folders from the popup menu in the Archive Content view
[FIXED] minor fixes (December 7, 2012)
[FIXED] Restore wizard: restore selection ignores local drives
[FIXED] Synchronization: subfolders are always synchronized in zip archives
[FIXED] SQL Server Backup: database size was not correct
[FIXED] minor fixes (November 19, 2012)
[FIXED] Backup: zip archive update may fail (CRC error)
[FIXED] FTP: resuming upload of big files may fail
[FIXED] MySQL Backup: bit type fields were not saved correctly (October 3, 2012)
[NEW] Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 support
[CHANGED] Backup\Restore: secondary archive is used when the primary destination is offline
[CHANGED] Synchronization: improved synchronization preview dialog
[CHANGED] Backup: improved handling of network errors
[CHANGED] Plugins: updated IMAP/POP3 and Gmail backup plugins
[CHANGED] improved performance in various scenarios
[CHANGED] minor user interface changes
[FIXED] Backup: all files were copied to primary archive when the secondary archive was enabled
[FIXED] Synchronization: empty folders were not deleted from FTP server
[FIXED] Volume Shadow Copy timeout error on large drives (>1TB)
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (August 10, 2012)
[FIXED] Log Manager: the Backup Service log was not updated
[FIXED] Cloud: backup may fail when using Eucalyptus Walrus storage
[FIXED] SQL Server Backup: possible crash on the settings dialog
[FIXED] minor fixes (June 28, 2012)
[NEW] Runnings Jobs: added option to keep a number of completed jobs in the list
[CHANGED] Archives: test, publish, delete the selected archives and archive groups
[FIXED] Log Manager: scheduled job logs were not always listed in the log list
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (May 31, 2012)
[NEW] Restore: dialog to select a new database or profile when the default is not available
[FIXED] Profile Groups: next and last run time was not updated
[FIXED] Backup Service: possible crash when running multiple backup jobs
[FIXED] Backup: failed to create multi CD\DVD\ISO archives
[FIXED] Backup: archive subfolder was not created when a secondary destination was used
[FIXED] minor fixes (April 3, 2012)
[CHANGED] Synchronization: improved performance and error handling
[FIXED] Failed to set unicode profile name
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (March 22, 2012)
[FIXED] Windows Azure Storage: uploading large files may fail (March 21, 2012)
[FIXED] Synchronization: failed to backup file version (manage versions) (March 19, 2012)
[NEW] Volume Shadow Copy: option to always use the VSS service and to skip drive on snapshot failure
[NEW] OpenStack: authentication with Keystone Identity Service
[NEW] Synchronization: option copy NTFS permissions and archive bit
[NEW] Synchronization: view\open\compare options in the preview dialog
[NEW] Restore: save and load restore selections
[NEW] Global exclude mask templates
[NEW] Delete offline cache (local catalogs) option
[CHANGED] Improved profile recovery after a computer of program crash
[CHANGED] Improved network backup reliability and error handling
[CHANGED] Cleanup: deletes only items which are successfully backed up
[FIXED] Backup: incremental backup may include unmodified files when the previous backup failed
[FIXED] Synchronization filters were not calculated correctly
[FIXED] Windows Azure Storage: some virtual folders\files were not listed
[FIXED] Restore: main screen may freeze when running multiple restore jobs
[FIXED] Restore: some files were not processed when the restore was started from the archive content view
[FIXED] Outlook plugin: failed to save backup item
[FIXED] Cleanup: failed to delete registry key (x64)
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (February 13, 2012)
[NEW] Cloud: OpenStack Object Storage support
[NEW] Synchronization with cloud storage
[NEW] Amazon S3: Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) option
[CHANGED] Cloud: virtual folders wre not created
[CHANGED] Improved profile filters
[CHANGED] Backup Items view: option to group Standard Items
[CHANGED] Comments are enabled for every backup item type
[FIXED] Amazon S3: folders were not listed correctly
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (January 30, 2012)
[FIXED] Backup: some file filters were not saved correctly
[FIXED] Restore\Windows Azure: custom restore folder was ignored
[FIXED] minor fixes (January 24, 2012)
[CHANGED] Improved synchronization preview screen
[CHANGED] Improved error handling and logging
[FIXED] Backup: various cloud backup fixes
[FIXED] Restore: restoring read-only files may fail
[FIXED] minor fixes (January 16, 2012)
[NEW] Backup: new compression formats (lzma2, bzip2)
[CHANGED] Highly improved backup and restore engine
[CHANGED] Backup: improved performance when backing up a large number of files (millions)
[CHANGED] Backup: better compatibilty with third party archivers (zip)
[CHANGED] Improved handling of connections to network shares and mounted drives
[CHANGED] Improved handling of opened or locked files
[CHANGED] Improved Backup Items dialog
[CHANGED] Updated Thunderbird Mail Backup plugin: backup from custom server directory
[FIXED] Backup of large files using the Volume Shadow Copy service may fail
[FIXED] SQL Server Backup: backup may fail with "Incorrect syntax" error message
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (November 18, 2011)
[FIXED] FTP: encoding of files when FTP server does not supports UTF-8
[FIXED] Backup: number of processed files was incorrect
[FIXED] minor fixes (October 31, 2011)
[NEW] Backup: 64-bit registry browser and backup
[CHANGED] Backup: improved SQL Server plugin
[CHANGED] Improved Create Shortcut dialog
[FIXED] Log Mananger: current application and service log was not available
[FIXED] Backup Service: job progress window was always in "simple" mode
[FIXED] Backup\Full (no versions): updated archive was counted as incremental
[FIXED] Restore: empty registry keys were not restored
[FIXED] Possible crash when exiting the main application
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (October 13, 2011)
[NEW] Cloud: Windows Azure Storage support
[NEW] Cloud: Amazon S3 Storage support
[NEW] Cloud: Eucalyptus Walrus Storage support
[CHANGED] Global proxy server option for all HTTP based protocols
[FIXED] Backup: improved multi-disk CD\DVD backup
[FIXED] Backup: in some cases the speed limit settings were ignored
[FIXED] Restore: problem with password protected spanned archives
[FIXED] Backup: deleting a single-source backup archive may fail
[FIXED] UI: Next Run Time was not updated after a scheduled task run
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (August 12, 2011)
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (July 25, 2011)
[NEW] WebDAV support
[NEW] SQL Server Database backup
[NEW] Search in offline archives
[NEW] Synchronization: versions and restore support
[NEW] Synchronization: synchronize with encrypted zip files
[NEW] Full backup: update existing archive
[NEW] Archives: option to include failed files in the catalog
[CHANGED] improved backup performance
[CHANGED] improved log system
[CHANGED] minor improvements (September 18, 2012)
[FIXED] Backup\Synchronization: minor fixes (March 5, 2012)
[FIXED] Backup: minor fixes in error handling (zip, 7z)
[FIXED] Backup\FTP: invalid error message when creating the directory
[FIXED] minor fixes (December 21, 2011)
[FIXED] FTP: UTF-8 encoding
[FIXED] Backup\7z: backup of 0 byte files may fail
[FIXED] Restore: empty keys were not restored corretly
[FIXED] minor fixes (October 18, 2011)
[FIXED] Backup: in some cases retry option was ignored on network error
[FIXED] Backup: avoid crash if the profile is corrupted
[FIXED] Backup: deletion of the folder archive may fail
[FIXED] Restore: 7z archive restore progress
[FIXED] Restore: possible crash when restoring from the Search Archives dialog
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (July 4, 2011)
[CHANGED] Improved backup performance
[FIXED] Backup service: slow response time
[FIXED] Synchronization: may not reconnect to FTP server
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (June 17, 2011)
[FIXED] Copy\Backup: file backup may fail on Windows 2000
[FIXED] Restore: invalid error message when restoring from a CD\DVD
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (May 10, 2011)
[FIXED] Synchronization: minor fixes
[FIXED] CD\DVD backup: minor fixes (April 14, 2011)
[NEW] Backup: option to bypass the Windows disk cache for large files
[NEW] Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Small Business Server 2011 officially supported
[FIXED] Backup Service: may not start on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Small Business Server 2011
[FIXED] Backup: improved handling of network disconnections
[FIXED] Archive Browser: archive properties were not loaded
[FIXED] Backup\Synchronization: backup job may crash if a catalog cannot be updated
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (March 17, 2011)
[FIXED] minor fixes (January 31, 2011)
[CHANGED] improved handling of network errors
[FIXED] FTP\SSL: minor fixes (January 3, 2011)
[FIXED] minor fixes to the Windows 64-bit functionality (December 22, 2010)
[NEW] preliminary support for KLS Backup 2011 profiles
[FIXED] Backup: failed to connect to network share when the share name contains unicode characters
[FIXED] Backup: possible crash when backing up NTFS permissions
[FIXED] FTP: incorrect encoding of file names
[FIXED] Viewer: cannot open files with very long file names
[FIXED] Backup: cannot open archived files if archive extension was changed since the last backup
[FIXED] Backup progress dialog: the Save log command creates an empty file
[FIXED] Archives: the archive catalog was not deleted
[FIXED] Backup Service: after restart the new settings were not applied correctly
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (December 9, 2010)
[CHANGED] Differential backup limit: deletes only archives that are created after the last full backup
[FIXED] Backup Service: possible memory leak
[FIXED] minor fixes (November 1, 2010)
[FIXED] Possible crash when opening archives created with previous versions
[FIXED] Some profile settings were not saved correctly
[FIXED] Backup: in some cases user defined actions were executed
[FIXED] Creating an empty profile may fail
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (October 19, 2010)
[CHANGED] updated plugins
[FIXED] Synchronization: deleted files from zip archive was ignored
[FIXED] Scheduled Tasks Calendar: some tasks were not displayed correctly
[FIXED] minor fixes (September 6, 2010)
[FIXED] Backup: possible crash when backing up a large number of files
[FIXED] Synchronization log: number of failed files was incorrect
[FIXED] Backup: fixed a possible memory leak
[FIXED] minor fixes (August 13, 2010)
[CHANGED] Restore: improved performace
[FIXED] Search in Archives: dialog becomes unresponsive
[FIXED] Import Archives: archives with extension .klb were not imported
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (July 21, 2010)
[FIXED] Restore: connection may fail when restoring to multiple FTP servers
[FIXED] Zip: empty folders were not included
[FIXED] Filters: folder filters with wildcards were ignored
[FIXED] minor fixes (June 18, 2010)
[FIXED] Test archives: invalid error messages for encrypted archives
[FIXED] Import Settings: profile data was not imported
[FIXED] Restore\7z: invalid "files not processed" error message
[FIXED] Backup: possible crash when "Show Job Progress" is not used (June 10, 2010)
[CHANGED] Plugins: added support for new plugin types
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (May 14, 2010)
[CHANGED] MySQL Database Backup plugin updated to version 2.0
[FIXED] Disk spanning: volume size was limited to 4GB
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (April 29, 2010)
[NEW] FTP: data transfer compression (Mode Z)
[NEW] Backup Service: option to ignore missed scheduled tasks
[NEW] Variables: number and size of files included/skipped/failed
[CHANGED] FTP: improved reliablity (SSL) and compatibility (MLSD)
[CHANGED] Restore: improved restore logs
[FIXED] Restore/FTP: retry options were ignored
[FIXED] Restore/Copy/Compressed: restore may fail with "Access Denied" message
[FIXED] Restore: "Restore only if the file exists" option is ignored
[FIXED] Backup Service: some temporary files were not deleted
[FIXED] Browse External Archives: some archives were not detected
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (March 17, 2010)
[NEW] Network options: edit connection retry values
[NEW] Archives: group archives by full backup
[CHANGED] Synchronization: option to exclude read-only files from deletion
[CHANGED] Backup: improved network backup
[CHANGED] Backup log: better error messages
[FIXED] Zip: offline files were not processed
[FIXED] 7z: improved error handling
[FIXED] SQX: a locked file may abort the backup job
[FIXED] FTP: minor fixes
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (February 18, 2010)
[NEW] Restore: option to restore files without the full path
[NEW] Restore selected files in the Archive Content view
[CHANGED] Improved Search in Archives tool
[CHANGED] Improved password management
[CHANGED] Improved user interface: lengthy operations can be aborted
[FIXED] Incremental backup with spanned 7z archives
[FIXED] SMTP: TLS connection may fail
[FIXED] Failed to create scheduled tasks (Standard Edition)
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (January 11, 2010)
[FIXED] Incremental backup: some unmodified files where included (DST)
[FIXED] Windows Scheduled Tasks: job progress in not visible in the Running Jobs view
[FIXED] Profile Groups: scheduled task does not starts with the selected backup type
[FIXED] Backup service: log file not found error message (January 5, 2010)
[NEW] Backup/Restore NTFS file security (ACL)
[NEW] Backup speed limit for local and network locations
[NEW] Backup: option to rotate differential archives
[NEW] New Variables
[NEW] Secondary destination: network login dialog
[NEW] Job progress screen: Log filter options
[CHANGED] improved Log Manager
[CHANGED] improved Scheduled Task Wizard
[CHANGED] Standard Edition: encrypted FTP and SMTP connections (SSL/TLS)
[FIXED] Backup purge: single source archives were not deleted
[FIXED] Restore: some files were not overwritten (7z)
[FIXED] Default backup set: some properties were not updated correctly
[FIXED] Backup log: Html log is not visible in the notification e-mail
[FIXED] Backup log: notification e-mail was not sent when no files were included
[FIXED] invalid "Temporary folder is not defined" error message
[FIXED] FTP: aborted job may freeze
[FIXED] user interface problems with large fonts
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (October 30, 2009)
[NEW] Import/Export KLS Backup 2009 settings tool
[CHANGED] Plugins: updated plugins (Outlook, Windows Live, SeaMonkey 2, Wyzo)
[FIXED] Backup: problem with Daylight Savings Time (DST) in incremental backup
[FIXED] Backup purge: archives from secondary destination were not deleted
[FIXED] Log: number of warnings and errors was not included
[FIXED] Synchronization: job result is always 0 (success)
[FIXED] Storage locations were not updated
[FIXED] minor user interface improvements (Windows 7/Aero)
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (October 7, 2009)
[NEW] Profile groups: run and schedule multiple profiles
[NEW] Scheduled Tasks Calendar
[NEW] Storage Locations: user defined storage media
[NEW] Console interface
[NEW] Password manager: remember session passwords
[NEW] Backup: empty folder backup
[NEW] Logs: html log templates
[NEW] Synchronization: content based file comparison
[NEW] Backup: disable backup item option
[CHANGED] improved user interface
[CHANGED] improved stability and performance
[CHANGED] better Windows 7 integration (April 26, 2010)
[FIXED] Zip/7z: performance improvements
[FIXED] FTP: minor fixes
[FIXED] SMTP: minor fixes
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (October 30, 2009)
[NEW] Export KLS Backup 2008 settings plugin
[FIXED] Restore: only existing files were processed (custom restore)
[FIXED] Slow file scanning (Vista 64-bit, 7 64-bit)
[FIXED] Backup: manual run may allow full backup only
[FIXED] minor user interface improvements (Vista, 7)
[FIXED] minor fixes (September 14, 2009)
[FIXED] improved network backup
[FIXED] 7z compression: backup may fail / invalid error messages
[FIXED] Backup progress: number of failed files were incorrect
[FIXED] Synchronization: "Update changed files" action was always executed
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (August 4, 2009)
[NEW] Profile Option: Check and repair the profile integrity (July 30, 2009)
[CHANGED] updated plugins
[CHANGED] Backup/Copy/Compress/Network: temporary folder is used for compression (optional)
[FIXED] FTP: upload missing files from secondary destination may fail
[FIXED] FTP/Copy: log file was not uploaded
[FIXED] FTP: reconnecting to server causes 100% CPU usage
[FIXED] Backup: a possible crash in the backup job
[FIXED] Cleanup: wrong error message displayed when deleting folders
[FIXED] Delete Archive: log files were not deleted
[FIXED] Plugins: possible error message (E7)
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (June 30, 2009)
[CHANGED] Archives: deletion dialog shows the dependent archives
[CHANGED] Backup: improved speed (full backup)
[FIXED] Backup: incremental backup may include unmodified files
[FIXED] FTP backup: some files with very long names were not downloaded
[FIXED] Mozilla plugin: possible crash
[FIXED] Plugins: possible crash when using SSL connections
[FIXED] Backup job: progress window hangs while stopping the job
[FIXED] Status Bar: archives total size was not updated
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (June 11, 2009)
[CHANGED] Backup service: improved perfomance
[FIXED] Plugins: Outlook Express accounts were not restored correctly
[FIXED] Registry key backup/restore: possible crash
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (May 12, 2009)
[NEW] preliminary support for KLS Backup 2009 profiles
[CHANGED] Plugins: added support for new plugin types [2] (May 8, 2009)
[CHANGED] Plugins: added support for new plugin types
[CHANGED] Log system: minor improvements
[FIXED] Backup Service: possible memory leak
[FIXED] minor fixes (April 3, 2009)
[FIXED] Backup service: disabled profiles are still executed
[FIXED] Backup service: fixed a possible backup job crash
[FIXED] Windows Task Scheduler: a failed job never exits
[FIXED] FTP/Keep a Local Copy: Local copy is deleted even when the upload fails
[FIXED] minor interface problem with Aero on Vista/7
[FIXED] Windows 64-bit: Data Execution Prevention (DEP) compatibility
[FIXED] Windows 64-bit: browse for folder dialog is empty
[FIXED] minor fixes (March 24, 2009)
[CHANGED] improved encryption speed
[FIXED] Restore: failed to locate archive on removable media
[FIXED] Backup/FTP: possible crash when using the "Keep a local copy" option
[FIXED] Backup/FTP: "Upload missing archives" may fail
[FIXED] Backup/COPY: failed to create empty incremental archive (0 files included)
[FIXED] Backup/FTP/Copy: total progress is inaccurate
[FIXED] Backup/Lan: failed to detect disconnected network locations
[FIXED] FTP: multiline error messages were not displayed correctly
[FIXED] Backup: failed files counter was not updated
[FIXED] Backup/SQX/Copy: failed to update the current file progress bar
[FIXED] Automatic Update dialog hangs during update
[FIXED] minor fixes (March 13, 2009)
[CHANGED] Copy/Encryption: improved backup speed
[FIXED] Encryption: some temporary files were not deleted
[FIXED] Log viewer: scrollbar is not visible
[FIXED] View archived file: invalid plugin error message
[FIXED] minor fixes (March 9, 2009)
[CHANGED] updated plugins
[FIXED] Backup Service: possible crash on scheduled task run when profile is deleted
[FIXED] Backup Service: progress bar stops at 1%
[FIXED] 7z archive integrity test: wrong error message
[FIXED] File/folder filters: some folder names were not filtered correctly
[FIXED] incorrect toolbar size (Vista, 7)
[FIXED] minor fixes (February 9, 2009)
[CHANGED] improved FTP browsing
[CHANGED] updated 7z compression engine
[FIXED] Zip/7z cannot restore files with very long file names
[FIXED] encryption may fail for some files
[FIXED] possible start-up crash
[FIXED] minor fixes (January 23, 2009)
[CHANGED] improved open file backup
[CHANGED] improved restore speed
[FIXED] incorrect error message on Zip/Copy failure
[FIXED] FTP/Zip/Copy: failed files were not added to log
[FIXED] Encryption: VSS service was not used
[FIXED] Encryption: incorrect progress bar
[FIXED] failed to calculate CRC of locked files
[FIXED] open file backup failed on Windows Server 2003
[FIXED] Outlook plugin: failed to save selection
[FIXED] Restore: failed to restore archives created with old plugins (January 16, 2009)
[NEW] Windows 7 Beta and Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta support
[CHANGED] Updated Outlook and Mozilla plugins
[CHANGED] improved archive test speed
[FIXED] Windows Event Logs were not added on 64-bit systems
[FIXED] Archives history: size column shows the compressed size
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (December 17, 2008)
[FIXED] Synchronization: empty folders are now deleted/created
[FIXED] Cleanup: some folders were not deleted
[FIXED] Restore: FTP connection dialog is displayed when restoring to FTP server
[FIXED] minor fixes (December 8, 2008)
[FIXED] Zip compression: bad CRC error for files stored uncompressed
[FIXED] Tray icon is not updated
[FIXED] minor fixes (November 25, 2008)
[NEW] Next Run Time displayed in the profile view
[NEW] Zip compression: option to store files without compression
[NEW] Automatic Updates proxy server support
[NEW] Scheduler status displayed in the scheduler dialog
[CHANGED] improved incremental backup speed
[FIXED] invalid start time in the backup log
[FIXED] Scheduled tasks view is not refreshed
[FIXED] some third party compressed archives were not opened
[FIXED] FTP browser: sort columns
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (November 7, 2008)
[NEW] Automatic software updates
[CHANGED] improved backup and FTP logs
[FIXED] possible Zip file corruption on low disk space
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (October 23, 2008)
[FIXED] Improved Windows 64-bit compatibility
[FIXED] Open file backup crashes on Windows Server 2008
[FIXED] FTP backup may fail when uploading the archive
[FIXED] Windows Live backup plugin crashes on Windows XP (October 9, 2008)
[NEW] Copy backup: option to compress each file into a separate archive (Zip, 7-Zip, SQX)
[NEW] Copy backup: option to encrypt each file (proprietary encryption format)
[NEW] Password Manager: manages archive passwords
[NEW] Run job dialog with parameters (backup type, comment)
[NEW] Option: compress (zip) e-mail log attachment
[NEW] Option: encrypt (AES-128) archive catalog
[NEW] Folder Filters: backup filters can be used for folder names and folder paths
[NEW] Profile Filters overview panel
[NEW] Drag'n Drop: profile items view supports drag'n drop from Windows Explorer
[CHANGED] improved New profile dialog
[CHANGED] improved password management
[CHANGED] minor user interface improvements
[FIXED] improved Import Archives dialog
[FIXED] Backup Size Preview calculates FTP sources size
[FIXED] Folder Browser crash (Vista)
[FIXED] post run actions were executed even after the job was aborted
[FIXED] minor FTP fixes (possible SSL crash)
[FIXED] Simulation Mode Backup: files with unicode file names were always included
[FIXED] Backup Items, Archives views were sorted incorrectly
[FIXED] Zip compression: use of excessive system resources
[FIXED] 7-Zip restore job can crash with incorrect password
[FIXED] archive properties: incorrect restore size
[FIXED] Archives view incorrect size of archive groups
[FIXED] Options dialog: crashes when the Windows Tasks Scheduler is not available
[FIXED] improved WINE ( compatibility
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (August 5, 2008)
[NEW] Workspace layouts
[NEW] Plugin: Windows Live Mail backup, Mozilla Backup (updated)
[NEW] Archive Viewer: view compressed e-mail files
[CHANGED] improved FTP Browser, FTP logging
[CHANGED] improved Cleanup engine
[FIXED] Backup: Archive Bit option may not work
[FIXED] Backup may fail in Zip64 mode
[FIXED] Simated Run can crash if no files were found
[FIXED] FTP browser crash
[FIXED] SMTP Test: incorrect error message
[FIXED] Archive List: incorrect sort by date
[FIXED] Single Registry key restore does not works
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (July 2, 2008)
[NEW] Plugin: Mozilla Backup (Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey)
[NEW] FTP Browser: FTP message logs panel
[CHANGED] Profile view: profiles are listed under "All Profiles"
[FIXED] minor FTP engine fixes (IPv6)
[FIXED] Archive Content: "List view" mode file name is empty
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (June 20, 2008)
[NEW] Plugin: Microsoft Outlook Backup, Outlook Express Backup
[NEW] Plugin: MySQL Backup (Professional version only)
[NEW] support for ultra long file paths (can exceed Windows maximum path limitation)
[NEW] Log Manager: log maintenance options
[NEW] Compression options: Use the temporary directory (network backup)
[FIXED] Archive Browser: cannot open archive
[FIXED] Zip compression may fail with error message
[FIXED] 7-Zip: some files were not restored
[FIXED] Cleanup: incorrect number of deleted files in the log
[FIXED] Purge Archives: archive files were not deleted from network drives
[FIXED] User Interface: column popup menu shows incorrect column information
[FIXED] User Interface: profiles view paint issues
[FIXED] Installer: plugins folder was not detected correctly
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (June 5, 2008)
[FIXED] backup service: disabled profiles are still executed
[FIXED] significant restore speed improvements
[FIXED] log manager: logs are not sorted correctly
[FIXED] log manager: opening huge text logs was very slow
[FIXED] backup log file is created even if the archive was deleted
[FIXED] synchronization: files were not copied from read-only sources
[FIXED] import archives: 7z archives were not imported
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (May 26, 2008)
[NEW] encrypted ZIP archives (AES-128/192/256)
[NEW] open/restore third party ZIP/7-Zip/SQX archives
[NEW] log manager keeps track of every operation executed
[NEW] action "Run Program" can include the output in the log
[NEW] Disable profile/profile group option
[NEW] Disable All Profiles option (including scheduled tasks)
[NEW] Create Empty Archives option (incremental, 0 files included)
[CHANGED] improved user interface
[CHANGED] improved open file backup
[CHANGED] improved stability and performance
[FIXED] slow file scanning (Windows Vista SP1) (May 27, 2008)
[FIXED] backup service can be installed on computers running KLS Backup 2008
[FIXED] improved memory usage
[FIXED] minor user interface fixes (Windows Vista RTM/SP1)
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (March 21, 2008)
[FIXED] file copy progress on Windows x64
[FIXED] Scheduled task not found error (Standard version)
[FIXED] event was not added to Event Viewer
[FIXED] open file backup on Windows XP x64
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (January 28, 2008)
[NEW] preliminary support for KLS Backup 2008 profiles
[FIXED] FTP: better compatibility with some FTP servers
[FIXED] FTP: updoaded file name contains invalid characters if UTF-8 in not enabled
[FIXED] synchronization profile can crash if the template FTP server was deleted
[FIXED] Stand by when done option not working
[FIXED] Open file backup generates Windows Application Event: 8194 (Windows Vista/2003/2008)
[FIXED] User interface: progress dialog is corrupted on Windows Server 2008 (January 12, 2008)
[FIXED] Open file backup on Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 RC installed
[FIXED] backup error E10N20
[FIXED] Scheduled jobs are disabled on Windows Vista with User Access Control (UAC) enabled
[FIXED] minor fixes (December 22, 2007)
[NEW] Windows XP/Vista 64bit support
[CHANGED] default installation includes more plugins
[FIXED] minor fixes (November 23, 2007)
[CHANGED] improved synchronization preview
[CHANGED] significant synchronization speed improvement
[FIXED] Days since last run column was not updated after backup run
[FIXED] minor fixes in the Backup Service Scheduler
[FIXED] opening password protected 7-zip archives
[FIXED] Backup Service installer may fail to install the service [Vista]
[FIXED] setup may fail to finish correctly [Vista]
[FIXED] minor interface fixes [Vista] (September 19, 2007)
[NEW] Archive content: list view mode
[NEW] "Run" button in the profiles view
[CHANGED] last run column shows the number of days since the last run
[CHANGED] improved schedules list
[CHANGED] synchronization preview in the properties dialog
[CHANGED] installer updates the backup service automatically
[CHANGED] Windows 95/98/ME support ended
[CHANGED] minor user interface changes
[FIXED] last run column in the profiles view was not updated
[FIXED] better network connection handling
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (September 10, 2007)
[NEW] FTP: global options for FTP servers
[NEW] FTP: limit download/upload speed
[NEW] FTP: backup progress shows transfer speed
[FIXED] FTP: some settings were not loaded correctly
[FIXED] FTP: incorrect warning if remote directory does not exists
[FIXED] FTP: server settings were not synchronized with the preset server
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (August 25, 2007)
[FIXED] backup service does not starts without log on as service right enabled
[FIXED] downloading files from ftp server may fail when changing directories
[FIXED] synchronizing a root directory will result in error message
[FIXED] installing the backup service with UAC enabled (Vista)
[FIXED] user interface uses the correct system font (Vista)
[FIXED] some message boxes are not diplayed correctly (Vista) (August 17, 2007)
[NEW] FTP: incremental backup can use binary file comparison (server must support CRC)
[NEW] backup service installation dialog (setup logon account)
[CHANGED] improved scheduled tasks view
[FIXED] backup service: shutdown/stand by will be executed after all tasks are finished
[FIXED] FTP: incremental backup will download only changed files
[FIXED] backup service may not load the scheduled tasks correctly
[FIXED] log file is missing for simulated runs
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (August 9, 2007)
[NEW] automatic archive integrity test
[FIXED] Outlook plugin: pst files were not included in backup
[FIXED] CRC values were not calculated
[FIXED] Volume Shadow Copy service ignored
[FIXED] MySQL: better compatibility
[FIXED] installer file version
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (June 25, 2007)
[NEW] Single-source backup mode (files is the archive are stored without full path)
[NEW] Status and Source column added to Profiles view
[FIXED] FTP engine fixes
[FIXED] CD/DVD burner error messages on Vista
[FIXED] better compatibility (Vista)
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (June 5, 2007)
[NEW] simple synchronization mode
[CHANGED] improved logging
[FIXED] synchronization: faster file scanning
[FIXED] restore wizard: faster archive content reading
[FIXED] failed to create spanned Zip, 7-Zip archive
[FIXED] some locked files were not included in backup
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (June 1, 2007)
[FIXED] Volume Shadow Copy service may not start in synchronization mode
[FIXED] minor fixes (May 21, 2007)
[FIXED] backup may crash when using Volume Shadow Copy service (May 16, 2007)
[FIXED] Backup Service high memory usage
[FIXED] 7-Zip compression may fail (May 14, 2007)
[FIXED] 'Invalid filename' error on Windows Vista (May 12, 2007)
[NEW] synchronization module (unicode filename support, improved FTP support)
[NEW] new file filtering system
[NEW] FTP: charset detection (UTF-8 support)
[NEW] Interface: docked job progress windows
[NEW] supports Windows Server 2003 R2/ Longhorn (Beta)
[CHANGED] improved password management
[CHANGED] improved logging
[CHANGED] improved scheduling
[CHANGED] improved unicode filename handling
[FIXED] better compatibility (Vista)
[FIXED] other fixes, interface and performance improvements (February 6, 2007)
[NEW] encrypted SMTP connection (SSL/TLS)
[CHANGED] improved text viewer
[CHANGED] improved restore form
[FIXED] disable subfolders in synchronization wizard
[FIXED] file copy, synchronization progress (Vista)
[FIXED] better compatibility (Vista) (January 29, 2007)
[FIXED] improved restore speed
[FIXED] restore with Browse External Archives
[FIXED] default plugins were not installed correctly
[FIXED] minor fixes (January 19, 2007)
[NEW] synchronization options: ignore time/size difference
[NEW] restore options
[NEW] 7-Zip file name encryption
[NEW] plugin install/management
[CHANGED] better archive management
[CHANGED] Standard Edition has more features
[FIXED] minor restore problems
[FIXED] some temporary files may not be deleted
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (December 27, 2006)
[NEW] Full support for Microsoft Windows Vista
[NEW] Plugins: user defined backup/cleanup items
[NEW] calculate/estimate backup size function
[CHANGED] updated service manager
[CHANGED] updated CD/DVD engine
[FIXED] CD/DVD devices were not detected without admin rights
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (November 18, 2006)
[NEW] network settings to connect to network shares
[CHANGED] updated synchronization engine
[CHANGED] interface changes
[FIXED] better FTP error handling
[FIXED] incremental restore
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (October 26, 2006)
[NEW] simulation run mode
[NEW] secure file deletion: DOD 5220.22-M, NSA
[NEW] sound alerts
[FIXED] FTP/SSL library updated
[FIXED] VSS does not works on Windows 2003 Server SP1
[FIXED] backup items explorer issues
[FIXED] restoring a single file may not work
[FIXED] 7z compression may not work in service mode
[FIXED] Zip progress bar stops at 50%
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (September 27, 2006)
[FIXED] incremental backup may include unmodified files
[FIXED] registry key backup
[FIXED] ZIP compression may stop with error 3052 (September 20, 2006)
[NEW] open file backup
[NEW] custom temporary directory for each profile
[FIXED] running under non admin account
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (September 7, 2006)
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (August 16, 2006)
[FIXED] backup service/scheduler problems
[FIXED] faster archive content browsing
[FIXED] minor fixes and improvements (August 9, 2006)
[NEW] runs as a windows service
[NEW] integrated backup scheduler
[NEW] windows explorer style file selection
[NEW] UNICODE file name support
[NEW] redesigned user interface
[NEW] profile groups
[NEW] option to change backup item order
[NEW] new file filter options
Newer versions...
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